Presentation of the Three Projects (KALIKASAN, MUSUEM, TOMAS)

Last January 12, 2021, the Center for Access to Rural Education researchers,in its goal to extend help to the community, headed by Mr. Max Teody Quimilat, the Centers Director, met up with LGU Tomas Oppus,led by the honorable Mayor,Ma’am Jessica Escano for a very important and magnificient Project Proposal for the Local government of Tomas Oppus.
They presented the three Project Proposals Namely, Project Kalikasan, Project Museum and Project Tomas. They discussed to the LGU, the contents and objectives of the Project. They further explained that Project Kalikasan is about the implementation of thew Solid Waste Management and the study will assess its implementation; That the Project Museum is about a plan to establish a musuem for the Tomas Oppus to educate and preserve the cultural heritage of Tomas Oppus; That Project Tomas is a project intend for the development of the local farmers here in Tomas Oppus.
Together with the LGU of Tomas Oppus, They also laid down the plans, the Timelines, and all the neccessary preparations for the fullfilment of the project.
In the end, the presentation was a succes, as Mayor Jessica also felt how wonderful the project proposal was and agreed to pursue proposals and had pledged to be in partnership with the CARE Center for the fullfillment of the three projects.