Writeshop on Project Museum and Kalikasan for LGU – Tomas Oppus

Following the Presentation of the three Proposed Projects of the CARE Center to the Local government of Tomas Oppus, a Writeshop entitled, “Writeshop on Project MUSEUM And KALIKASAN” was held last January 26 to 27, 2021. This Two-day event held at CARE Center office, was organized in partnership with LGU-Tomas Oppus to finalize the different research studies which will be used to craft the complete for the realization of the presented projects.
The first day of the event was gathering of data, peer consultation and brain storming within the participants which were divided into different groups, with different research studies in each group to come up with the complete idea of the project proposal.
On the last day, each group presented their research studies and a resource person/evaluator.
Were invited to review and evaluate what they have come up during the Writeshop. Important comments/suggestions and details being cited by the evaluator were noted and consolidated which will be used to refine their research studies.
In the end, the event was a success and all were delighted as meals and snacks were provided by the Local Government of Tomas Oppus.